

Founding principles

Branded Translations was started in 2011 by two partners who were looking for a better way to localize marketing and advertising content. With a passion for languages and global brand marketing expertise, we have successfully helped corporations and ad agencies engage multicultural audiences for nearly a decade.

Anna Martirosyan


Human Resources & Operations

Multilingual – English, Armenian, Spanish

Anna Martirosyan


Anna is an accom­plished HR pro­fes­sional with expe­ri­ence in vir­tu­ally every aspect of run­ning an effec­tive per­son­nel depart­ment. She has worked across many indus­tries for both start-up and For­tune 500 orga­ni­za­tions. Her spe­cialty is global sourc­ing, recruit­ing and man­ag­ing tal­ent. Anna per­son­ally screens, tests and works with every lin­guist before they are placed on assign­ment.  It is her resource­ful­ness and atten­tion to detail that allow us to pro­vide the high­est level of qual­ity. Anna has lived in the US, Arme­nia and Spain and speaks three languages.

Maarten Lobker


International Marketing & Branding

Multilingual – English, Dutch, German, Spanish

Maarten Lobker


Maarten is a senior mar­ket­ing and adver­tis­ing pro­fes­sional with nearly two decades of expe­ri­ence in build­ing brands and devel­op­ing global cam­paigns. He has led the brand strat­egy for For­tune 500 orga­ni­za­tions and held sev­eral inter­na­tional mar­ket­ing posi­tions in the US and Europe. Born and edu­cated in The Nether­lands, Maarten is flu­ent in Eng­lish, Dutch, Ger­man and Span­ish. His inter­na­tional work expe­ri­ence spans mar­kets in North & South Amer­ica, Europe, Asia and the for­mer Soviet Union.

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