Marketing Localization Agency

Specialized Language Services for Creative Content

Branded Translations is a boutique agency, helping brands engage international and multicultural audiences through expert localization of marketing and advertising content. We offer translation, transcreation and design adaptation services that will turn your original campaign creative in a localized version that is as effective and persuasive as the original. 

It is this specialization, coupled with a global network of pre-vetted native linguists, that makes us different from a typical Language Service Provider (LSP). We are marketeers at heart who understand the importance of quality creative that remains on brand when localized for multicultural audiences. We bring an international mindset and cultural sensitivity coupled with global experience and language skills to every project.

The services we offer are there to help refine our clients’ creative, optimizing it for international or multicultural audiences. Whether you’re part of a company with global growth ambitions or an ad agency driving those aspirations, we’d love to help you with expert localization. We work with all branded creative—be it in words, strategy or design.

By marketers. For Marketers.

Founded by two partners, looking for a better way to localize creative content

Branded Translations was founded in 2012, born out of frustration with the lack of options for localizing a creative ad campaign. On one hand you could have a translator localize your carefully crafted copy, often resulting in a direct translation that lost its creative power. Or, you could hire a foreign ad agency to develop your campaign specifically for that market, which often meant new [or worse, disconnected] campaign creative that is charged accordingly.

At Branded Translations we respect our clients’ brand and creative. Our design focus is on adaptation rather than re-creation. And our native linguists (often copywriters) focus on transcreation rather than ‘word-for-word’ translation, resulting in localized creative that is on brand, as persuasive and effective as the original.

Maarten Lobker 1

Maarten Löbker

Partner & Lead Brand Consultant

Maarten is a senior mar­ket­ing and adver­tis­ing pro­fes­sional with over two decades of expe­ri­ence in build­ing brands and devel­op­ing global cam­paigns. He has led the brand strat­egy for For­tune 500 orga­ni­za­tions and held sev­eral inter­na­tional mar­ket­ing posi­tions in the US and Europe.

Born and edu­cated in The Nether­lands, Maarten is flu­ent in Eng­lish, Dutch, Ger­man and Span­ish. His inter­na­tional work expe­ri­ence spans mar­kets in North & South Amer­ica, Europe, Asia and the for­mer Soviet Union.

Anna Lobker Martirosyan

Anna Löbker-Martyrosian

Partner & Head of Operations

Anna is an accom­plished HR pro­fes­sional with expe­ri­ence in vir­tu­ally every aspect of run­ning an effec­tive per­son­nel depart­ment. She has worked across many indus­tries for both start-up and For­tune 500 orga­ni­za­tions. Her spe­cialty is global sourc­ing, recruit­ing and man­ag­ing tal­ent. Anna per­son­ally screens, tests and works with every lin­guist before they are placed on assign­ment.  It is her resource­ful­ness and atten­tion to detail that allow us to pro­vide the high­est level of qual­ity.

Anna has lived in the US, Arme­nia and Spain, and speaks three languages.

Latest articles from Branded Translations:

Borderless Branding: The Importance of Cultural Awareness in Global Advertising

A frequently overlooked aspect in localization is culture and its influence on consumer preference and behavior. In this article we will break down key cultural differences and demonstrate how you can adapt your message. Whether you’re localizing a campaign or refining your global brand strategy, these insights will help you create content that feels authentic and relevant to your audience.

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Exploring Cultural Nuances in Advertising Design

Design styles are often unique to certain regions of the world. Understanding these cultural design differences (and finding the right balance with your brand) can have a big impact on how well your advertising creative is received, recalled and acted on.

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Understanding Translation, Transcreation and Localization in Marketing

In this brief article we explain the key differences between translation, transcreation, and localization in marketing. It describes how translation focuses on accuracy, transcreation adapts messaging creatively for emotional impact, and localization ensures cultural and technical alignment with a target market.

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Can’t Read, Won’t Buy

Summary of a Common Sense Advisory landmark study, highlighting the critical importance of localizing marketing content to align with consumers’ linguistic and cultural preferences. This article highlights key data points, suggesting that localized advertising generates much higher engagement and purchase intent than ads that are not localized.

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